GAC Annual Elections!

The annual election process for the GAC is upon us.  As per the by-laws, nominations for the various offices open have taken place.  The election ballots were mailed out yesterday due to the Post Office being closed Monday. Each member will receive their own election ballot with instructions on how to cast your vote and return to the club.  The next general membership meeting will be on Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 2pm and the ballots will be counted and the winners announced.  

Our by-laws also call for the candidates running for office and their information to be published in the October issue of the club’s newsletter.  Unfortunately, right now we don’t have anyone taking on the monthly newsletter. So, I asked all the candidates running for an office to send me some bio information that they would like to share with the membership about themselves and their involvement with the GAC.  Below is each individual’s bio they gave me to share with you. 


Miguel Mata –  I have been a member of the GAC for 20 + years and love this club.  I have served as your president for several years and would like to continue.  Each of you know that I work hard all the time for our club to keep it going.  We have met previous challenges with needed repairs and each time with help from the current board we have been able fix items that keep us going.  I would ask that you support me in continuing as your President, Adam Garcia for Vice President, Kari Laverty Board Secretary, Anthony Roybal for Treasurer and Eva McCabe, Sherri Day and Joe Coddington for Board of Directors.  These individuals are very knowledgeable people and will continue to work hard to serve you, the members!  

Craig Degenhardt – I was born in Germany and moved to the United States as a child. I have visited many parts of Germany. 

I first became a member of GAC in the 1990s and again a few times since. My work as a Senior Industrial Designer and Project Manager had me living and working in Asia , Europe, and the Middle East., along with other US States but Albuquerque was always homebase.

I am co-founder and past President of BikeABQ, Have been a Board member & chairperson of Greater Albuquerque Bicycle Advisory Committee, Was Chairman of the National Bike Rally when it was held in Albuquerque in 2010. Am Current and Past President of the Mossman Neighborhood Association. My mission is to increase membership, increase attendance, and increase events at GAC for the enjoyment of all. 

VICE-PRESIDENT: Adam Garcia –  I am Adam Garcia and want to continue to be your Vice President.  I have been a member of this great club for several  years and have worked very hard, side by side with Miguel and the other board members to keep our club operating and would love the opportunity to continue.  I would ask that you vote for the slate of candidates that are currently on the board working with Miguel and I.  Please assist us in voting for their re-election.  We need to maintain this knowledge base on the board and the history of our club.  Help us keep our club open so that we have a nice place to meet with friends and have some fun.   


Anthony Roybal –  I have been a member of the GAC for 6+ years and served in various positions for the club as a Bartender,  Events Scheduler, music director of the High Desert Big Bands that comes in and plays for your parties.  I am also currently the Executive Board Secretary for the last 3 years.  Recently I have taken on duties of assisting in the financial role of the club and have been handling those duties and wish to fully transition into that.  I have a financial background in my professional working career as the Chief Financial Officer and Human Resources Director for my employer.   My goal is to continue to assist the board with sound financial decision making; to continue to keep our club secure and our doors open to the membership to have a great place to come and socialize with friends.  My thoughts are we need seasoned members on the board who have knowledge of our club, its history and operations.  Let’s keep this in place.  I would appreciate your support.

Brenda Batt –  

Brenda Batt as our TREASURER

TrustworthyReliableEffectiveAmbitiousSincereUpstandingReceptiveEnergeticRespectful= GAC Success

Board Secretary: Kari Laverty –  I want to introduce myself and reintroduce myself to those whom I know.  I am Kari Laverty. I’ve been a member of the GAC  for over ten years.   My husband and I were prince and princess of Fasching in 2019-2020 in which we represented Edelweiss Am Rio Grande in Las Vegas.I have been teaching middle school at the Native American Community Academy (NACA) for about 14 years and I love it. I bring a lot of ideas and knowledge with me. I am looking forward to bringing my knowledge and Ideas to the Secretary position at the German American Club.

Board of Directors:  (3 OPEN POSITIONS TO VOTE FOR)

Eva McCabe –    I’m Eva McCabe, I am currently a Board Member for the GAC and look forward to serving for another term.  I am the mother of 2, Grandmother of 4 and Great Grandmother of 1 so far!  I am the Admin for Knights of Columbus Insurance, my husband’s agency here in Albuquerque.  My husband Jim and I have been married for 47 years.  We have been living and working together in Abq for 17 years.  We have been members of the GAC for about 15 years.  I was the chairman of the board for a short time after Mr. Vandersloot passed away.  For the last 3 years or so I have worked as the decorating person for the club ball room for dances and such.   I would appreciate your vote.

Jim McCabe –  Jim McCabe is originally from Niagara Falls, NY. He is married to Eva for forty-seven years, together they are parents of two, grandparents of four and great grandparents of one.

Jim has led a successful insurance agency for the Knights of Columbus serving New Mexico and El Paso, TX for seventeen years. Before that, he was an insurance agent in Tucson, AZ for thirteen years.

Jim originally came to the GAC via his membership in the IAS, some fifteen years ago. He continues membership in the IAS as well as the Knights of Columbus and BPO Elks.

Sherry Day –   

I have been involved with the GAC for a few years now and love this place.  I’ve been your bartender and would like to move into a first time board position  to gain the knowledge to help continue to serve you as members in another capacity to help the club.  I would appreciate your vote. 

Joe Coddington –  

No response

Charlie Frates – 

No response