Edelweiss am Rio Grande German American Club in Albuquerque
since 1965 - Come on by! 4821 Menaul NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
since 1965 - Come on by! 4821 Menaul NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
12/31 We will open up the bar this evening for a small group gathering (potluck), at the club to celebrate the upcoming 2025. We will open the club at 6pm and have some drinks and some food. Come out and join us.
12/07 the Duke City Ceili Dancer are planning their Ceili dance on 12/07 6pm-10pm. Admission is 10.00 at the door, they ask you to bring a dish to share.
12/14 The GAC CHRISTMAS PARTY, Miguel will be cooking Kestler, Smoked pork chops, mashed potatoes with gravy, vegetables, roll, salad and a dessert. The meal is 15.00 and the door fee is 10.00. The bar opens at 3pm, and we anticipate to start serving the meal at 5pm. I need to find someone to handle the door if you can, please contact me. I’ll even make sure Miguel feeds you for free! haha
The High Desert Big band will have some Christmas music and all the other kinds of music we play for you. We will also have one of the GAC members singing a few tunes with the band this month. Should be lots of fun.
We would like to start getting a head count for this so Miguel knows how much food to prepare. You can let me or Miguel know your coming!
12/15 is the Rio Grande Jazz Society Sunday event at 2pm. Come out and see the musicians jam, and if you missed the High Desert Band on Saturday the 14th, they will be performing again on this date, 12/15.
Club will be closed on Christmas day…
We are still talking about possibly doing something small in the bar area for New Years Eve, (eastern time), will be more information forthcoming.